Cultivated in the prestigious coffee growing department of Matagalpa, Perdido Coffee is proudly Nicaraguan. The diversity of agricultural microclimates in the region gives our coffees their delicate notes and unparalleled quality. Grown with sustainable farming practices, our coffee is proudly Nicaraguan, showcasing the finest Arabica beans in the country.
Perdido Coffee is made up of two very distinctive farms or fincas, as they are called in Spanish; Finca El Cristal and Finca El Perdido. Their uniquely different qualities are the principal reason why our coffees are so special.
Both fincas are home to several Nicaraguans who help plant, grow, and harvest the specialty grade Perdido Coffee. Surrounded by rolling green mountains, blanketed in sunshine and lush forestry, the Perdido Coffee fincas are not your average coffee farms. Thanks to our unique geographical placement, our coffee is citrusy, bright, and delicate while also bold, flavourful, and robust. Connoisseurs around the world crave a unique and flavorful coffee experience…. and Perdido Coffee more than delivers.
Finca El Cristal, the cooler, more unpredictable, and often windy and rainy farm, sits high atop a mountain between 1100 and 1400 Meters Above Sea Level (MASL). The uppermost part remains densely forested, while the coffee growing areas retain their integrity with quality hardwood and various old-growth trees. No trees are ever cut down on either fincas.
The cooler temperatures give the coffee tree a longer growing season while the additional moisture contributes, in no small part, to growing a larger more flavourful coffee cherry.
At the present time, we offer an eclectic mix of Catimor, Caturra, Catuai and Maragogipe varietal for each of our processes. Single bean offerings of Anacafe, Java, and Maragogipe are also available.
Finca El Perdido, a stately finca full of old Latin history and old-growth hardwood trees has many stories to tell. The roar of the “Congos”, the sounds of cascading mountain streams, and the humid smell of jungle forestry takes one back to a simpler time. And grown within this tapestry are the coffee bushes that produce most of our Natural and Honey processed coffees.
Situated between 700-900 MASL, the warmer humid climate is conducive to producing a fruitier, sweeter cherry around the coffee skins. Growing amongst the abundance of Nogal (walnut) and Roble (oak) trees is a luxurious blend of Catimor, Caturra, and Catuai coffee bushes.